4 Pics 1 Word

4 Pics 1 Word

Four pictures that have one word in common — what is it?

Lotum GmbH

Using just four images, the player must guess the riddle.

4 Pics 1 Word is a riddle-style game wherein players use progressive thinking to unlock the message presented in pictorial form. More often than not, the player must dedicate a few minutes to decoding the pictures, for the answer is all but straightforward. To simplify things, 4 Pics 1 Word grants the player with only 14 letters to choose from, lessening the difficulty level of the game. Should the puzzle prove too challenging, players can select one of two shortcuts. The first will omit unnecessary letters and the second will place a letter into the correct slot. To utilize these advantages, players will need to shell out coins. In this delightfully frustrating game, players can test their shrewdness and perception.

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