AA Big Book

AA Big Book

Big book of alcoholics anonymous audio book along. Listen while you read!

Education & Languages
iByte Apps Limited

The AA Big Book app offers more than just the Big Book. It includes the first 164 pages and allows you to purchase the remaining within the app. It also comes with 5 of the 14 audio tracks. While no app can get or keep you sober, this is a great tool to use as you work through the 12 steps.

The app explains how AA works and has the Serenity Prayer and a sobriety calculator. This app is designed for people who are working through the AA program and includes the means to help further your progress in AA. Other tools anyone trying to reach sobriety can use include the Traditions, the Promises, and the Yellow Card.

Not a Replacement for AA

While the AA Big Book app is a great resource to use as you work through the steps, it is not a replacement for your AA meetings. However, it will help to encourage you and help you to stay motivated in between meetings.

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