Join the battle! Playing as Pixel Man, Defeat players from all round the world.

Cheetah Games
OS is a free online action game in which you use a bow and arrow as your weapon against an opponent from anywhere in the world. You can eventually upgrade your projectiles, but you'll always use the bow as your method of delivery. You'll be able to use crosses, shurikens, hammers, and various arrows to get the job done.

The virtual joystick gives you all the control you'll need to move your character and take aim. You don't need much intuition to master these controls since they are so straightforward. The left joystick controls character movement, while the right joystick controls aiming and firing. Moving through the various levels will cause you to collect experience, which is the currency required to level up and boost your in-game talents.

While the primary game mode is designed for online play, there is also an offline mode that pits you against an AI opponent. Playing in this fashion is an excellent way to find out how effective certain weapons are against your opponents, and they can help you familiarize yourself with the layouts of the levels.

Even when you consider the subpar graphics of this game, it is still one of the most addictive gaming experiences you'll ever find.

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