Computer File Explorer

Computer File Explorer

Unleash your device's potential with this easy and feature-full file manager.

File Management
Byte Mobile

Computer is a piece of exploration software for your Android system that was designed to mimic the experience of using the My Computer or Computer modules in a Windows system. The file explorer supports side by side windows and multiple simultaneous tabs. You can use the explorer to view videos, documents, pictures, music, and just about any other file that might be on your Android device.

Interestingly, the app is actually able to act as a single hub for file exploring through all your systems. You can use it to manage files on your desktop, laptop, or any other system that is connected to the same network.

The software also includes an app manager that helps you switch between programs with ease. You can also use it to view a management page for any app, or you can uninstall the apps altogether. It features an integrated media player that supports all the most common and uncommon formats, and it uses thumbnails for image and APK files.

You can use the app to extract and create zip files directly from the software, and it can be used to boost device speed by killing tasks that are running in the background for no apparent reason. When combined with all the other great features, Computer is an excellent option for mobile file exploring.

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