Dashlane Password Manager

Dashlane Password Manager

Dashlane makes the internet easier. Save all your passwords and fill forms fast.


Dashlane Password Manager helps you securely manage all your passwords. As so many of our daily activities migrate to the digital world, most people end up accruing a massive number of different accounts that regulate their life. This creates a dilemma. Creating unique and complicated passwords is a necessity for protecting your identity and your personal information, but it can become a mess to keep track of all of them. Dashlane unifies all of your accounts in a single place and helps you easily navigate them through its password manager and digital wallet functions.

The password manager serves as a vault for your personal information. All you have to do is enter your information in Dashlane to have it automatically saved, or let Dashlane create a secure password for you itself. You won't have to worry about remembering all of them, as Dashlane allows you to automatically log in through their dashboard. All you have to remember is the single secure code you use for your Dashlane account. You can even setup automated Dashlane autofilling for password lines in your browser.

The digital wallet offers similar functions for your spending. Register your credit cards, bank accounts, and other sensitive financial information through Dashlane, and you can pay for all of your online purchases directly through the app.

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