Direct Express

Direct Express

Direct Express, Federal Benefits, Finance, Mobile Banking, Social Security


Direct Express helps you better manage your MasterCard accounts. Similarly to dedicated apps for more conventional banking institutions, this app allows you to track your spending, evaluate your balance, and get access to cash when you need it.

The dashboard is clean and effective, displaying your existing balance in big numbers at the top of the screen. Below this are buttons that allow you with all the management functions you need. A transaction window lets you see a neatly compiled lists of all recent deposits and withdrawals, simplifying the process of overseeing your spending and income.

A number of other functions provide quality of life improvements that you can access wherever you happen to be. With a simple click of a button, you can find the closest available ATMs laid out in a map keyed to your GPS coordinates, and you can even assign alerts that let you know about upcoming payments and credit card activity. It's a great way to keep yourself abreast of potential fraud on your account. You can even access the terms and features available through your card and learn more about rewards programs. Use of Direct Express requires registering your MasterCard debit or credit card to work as intended.

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