Free Ringtones

Free Ringtones

The Free Ringtones for Android app is a ringtone program

Best Ringtone Apps Free

The Free Ringtones for Android app is a ringtone program. It provides users with fresh and exciting ringtones for their phones. Although the most modern ringtones are sometimes catchy, users still crave unique ringtones that don't come with the smartphone packages. That's when they download an application like this that puts an assortment of additional ringtones in from of them. They can then choose the sounds that they want to hear when people call their phones.

The app has a lot of exciting features and provides the users with many setting options. For example, a user can set a specific ringtone as the overall ringtone, contact-specific ringtone, SMS tone, timer sound or alarm sound. They can also share the ringtones with friends and family members so that they will know where they can get such items.

The security level of Free Ringtones for Android is at 100 percent. The program is 12.4 megabytes in size, so it's reasonably small and will not overload anyone's phone. A person must have at least 4.1 Android to download it and take advantage of everything that it has to offer. The application has been around since late 2016 and thousands of people have downloaded it and used its services.

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