Game Of Dice

Game Of Dice

Use SKILLS and DICE in this real-time multi-player strategy board game!


Game of Dice is a bright and colorful board game. Like Monopoly and video game equivalents like Mario Party, luck is perhaps the biggest factor in a round of Game of Dice. The rules of the game are simple. Competing players throw dice, and their in-game avatars move along the board accordingly. Landing on an unoccupied property automatically gives you ownership of it, and anyone who falls on that space later has to pay. It's a simplified take on a winning formula, but the lack of decision making and interaction befits its role as a mobile title.

That's not to say there's no strategy is involved. In Game of Dice, a deeper layer is included through the addition of cards. Cards allow you to mix up the gameplay through a variety of randomized options. These include forcing other characters to move elsewhere on the board or providing you with an extra die to roll if you're sitting deep in enemy territory. Games move at a quick and steady clip, so there's no need to worry about long sessions running hours into the night.

The gameplay is tied together by a bright and colorful anime aesthetic. Characters are expressive, and the boards themselves are rich with life and interactivity.

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