GoPro Quik

GoPro Quik

Auto video maker with music & exclusive filters. Video editing made simple.


This GoPro App makes management of GoPro video a breeze. Don't risk getting your smartphone in big trouble - thanks to this application's proprietary Quikstories capabilities, feel free to transfer clips and stills directly from your GoPro to your social media stories. Look through photos and videos using your phone, rather than waiting to get home to upload cinematic captures to your big, bulky, personal computer.

Run into an unpromising clip, but want to salvage some sick stills? Don't bother with personal computers - simply sync your GoPro camera, this nifty GoPro App, and any modern smartphone together to take stills, shorten videos, and even share videos with friends.

Not sure which cameras this always-helpful GoPro App is actually compatible with? GoPro App works perfectly when placed in conjunction with HERO3, HERO4, HERO, HD HERO2. Even better - link your GoPro App to the extreme cinematic and sports camera capturing industry to the top-notch GoPro Fusion.

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