Kids Learn ABC

Kids Learn ABC

ABC for kids - a fun game helps your kids learn English effectively.

Education & Languages
Ursa Games

Kids Learn ABC is a free and fun educational supplement app that was built to help children who need a little help learning the English language in an efficient and fast manner. The game is intelligent enough to teach your children not only how to remember new words, but how to develop reading and comprehension skills for a more thorough understanding of the content as a whole.

There are a number of mini games in this app that help children learn how to read. The Learn ABC module is devoted to helping children master the alphabet. It does this by breaking down the letters into specific topics that all relate to that letter. There's also a correct image game, quiz game, and puzzle game.

When your child uses the Learn ABC module, they will see a picture that relates to the letter, and they will hear the pronunciation of the letter and any associated words. In the correct image game, the object is to find the image that most closely relates to the letter that has been selected.

In the puzzle module, the player will move pieces around to produce the correct letter. In the quiz module, players will rearrange groups of letter to create words. This is excellent for older children who are learning their vocabulary.

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