Lexia Core5

Lexia Core5

Lexia Core5 Reading

Education & Languages
Lexia Learning

Lexia Reading Core5 is an educational supplement that helps students learn to read. The system is designed to offer custom care for each student regardless of their abilities, and it is rated for students who haven't yet entered kindergarten. One of the standout features of the system is that it doesn't administer tests in the middle of an instructional workflow, but instead it uses performance data to determine the level of each student.

The app works by placing students at their particular work level and letting them work as an individual. The app can be used through an Android device or a web browser, and its core function is to improve the foundation of every student's reading abilities. Corrective feedback is immediately issued with explicit instruction, so students who struggle can get the help they need while advanced students are left to reach the higher levels of proficiency as independently as possible.

The main focus of the system is on creating a foundation for strong reading skills and fluency, developing comprehension skills related to both reading and listening, and building vocabularies that are specific to a domain for maximum comprehension. The software has won several awards for its efficiency in improving educational systems.

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