A high quality NES emulator for the classic console we all love!

Intuitive Applications

NES Emulator allows gamers to play Nintendo Entertainment System games on their smartphones. With this emulator, players can choose from a library of dozens of classic games from the past. Smartphones are more than capable of emulating older NES titles, and the app itself functions as intended. Touchscreen controls for the original NES controller are baked into the app, allowing for a simple control scheme.

Users can download additional NES titles and start playing them immediately. The app boots in seconds and plays most games without a hitch. In fact, some players may come to love the NES Emulator more than the original NES itself. Players won't encounter too many bugs or problems during gameplay, and everything works as intended. Touchscreen controls for the app function better than other emulators as well.

Getting new games onto NES Emulator may seem tricky for first-time users. Otherwise, this emulator app is close to perfect. NES games are lightweight, easy to run, and they're perfect for all types of hardware. An individual shouldn't hesitate to download the app and relive these classic video games. Without a doubt, being able to play these games on the go without a bulky console is a definite benefit.

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