Photo Grid - Collage Maker

Photo Grid - Collage Maker

Camera app for Video & Photo Collage, Video maker with Music, Text& Sticker edit

Cheetah Mobile (Photo Editor)

Photo Grid Collage Maker allows you to assemble photo collections. If you want to get creative and show how something has changed over time, the Photo Grid Collage Maker allows you to arrange the photographs in an order that shows the changes. This could be a fun way to highlight the growth of a newborn baby, the blooming of a flower or the changing of the leaves on a tree through the course of a year. Photo Grid Collage Maker also makes it easy to put together seemingly unrelated pictures and turn them into a work of art.

The Photo Grid Collage Maker app is easy to learn how to use. It accepts digital photos from a full spectrum of formats. It can be used to make grids measuring two photos wide by two photos tall to more than eight photos wide and tall. This allows you to make the most of all of the digital photos that you have stored on your smartphone. Photo Grid Collage Maker can also be fun for kids, allowing them to put together a sort of memory book of the things that they have done over a school year or during a summer vacation.

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