Rubiks Cube

Rubiks Cube

Rubiks cubeRubik's Cube is a 3-D combination puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungaria


Rubiks Cube offers a digital version of a popular puzzle.

Throughout all of history, few devices have provided quite as much intrigue and frustration than the humble Rubiks Cube. This six-sided puzzle, which requires the player to match all colors to a single side each, requires both razor sharp intuition and calculating strategy. The challenge wrought by the Rubiks Cube can induce feelings of jubilant triumph upon completion, and a sense of crushing disappointment upon failure. The Rubiks Cube is a roller coaster of emotions, all neatly packaged into an unassuming, extremely geometric enigma. Unfortunately, with the exception of certain pocket-sized cubes, most Rubiks Cubes are too cumbersome to travel lightly with. Rubiks Cube for Android comes with a solution.

Android users will be pleased to know that the Rubiks Cube app still delivers an exhilarating playing experience, even without the tactile aspect that makes it so addicting. With over 3,000 downloads to date, it can be safe to assume that intellectuals across the world place their faith in this humble application. Rubiks Cube for Android boasts a 98% security rating, a staggering statistic in a world where computer viruses mutate quicker than they can be safely and efficiently countered.

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