Unmatched Air Traffic Control

Unmatched Air Traffic Control

Control the aircraft at the airport avoiding collisions

Vector3D Studios

Unmatched Air Traffic Control is a free 3D video game app that puts you in the position of an air traffic controller at one of the busiest airports in the world. Just like the job of a real air traffic controller, you'll have to make sure that all the planes take off and land appropriately and safely. This means you'll have to avoid collisions and other issues that result in a lack of concentration or logic.

While the controls for the game are simple and straightforward, the actual operation of the digital airport is quite similar to that of an actual airport. The controls are designed for maximum ease of use, which ensure that the software remains accessible to everyone. If you are curious about what it takes to be an air traffic controller, this app will give you a good idea of the stresses and thrills involved. If nothing else, the game will definitely help your logical reasoning skills and both your short and long term memory.

Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of this software is that you can actually fly the planes themselves. Instead, you'll simply be in charge of issuing directive commands so the pilots know what to do.

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