VCE Exam Simulator

VCE Exam Simulator

Prepare for IT-certification while you're on the go.

Education & Languages
Global Simulators Ltd

Prepare for any exam with the VCE Exam Simulator. Everyone from high school students to professionals can master upcoming tests with this app. The free demo version includes the first five questions of any test. The premium version allows full access to any files as well as test editing.

Creating tests is simple. Import any PDF, .rtf or .txt file with questions and answers. VCE users have uploaded hundreds of tests already. You can also turn class notes, textbook review questions or worksheets into a mobile test.

VCE Exam Simulator allows you to set a time limit, review missed questions and save your test and return to it later. It can also read image files and foreign languages. No matter what school or certification test is in your future, make studying easier with this mobile exam simulator.

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