Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

5th Anniversary Celebration Campaign!


Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a card dueling game taking its theme from the TV show of the same name.

The card game has existed for many years in physical form, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links brings it onto a mobile format.

The game allows players to collect hundreds of cards, some of which would be recognizable to fans of the TV series and some which are brand new. To unlock new cards, a player must play matches against opponents. Some cards can be unlocked simply by playing, but others can only be unlocked by winning.

Before a match can take place, the player needs to build a deck. Out of their entire pool of cards, the player selects a smaller number of cards to make up the deck. The deck is shuffled and dealt out to begin the match. Over time, players can unlock more powerful cards and upgrade their decks.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links provides multiple modes of play, including both a mode in which players face off against the computer and another where they can duel against their friends and people all around the world.

Long time fans of the card game will likely be happy to see it ported over to mobile. New players will get a chance to experience one of the longest tenured trading card games around.

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